The Birds of Pantiacolla Lodge
The list contains 600 species, but not all are reconfirmed. From the period 1997-1998 often dates like place, description of the bird and sometimes also the observer are not clear. For this reason I distinguish different categories in the estimated status.
The birds with a status c(ommon), f(airly common), u(ncommon) or r(are) have been seen by different people on different dates. If the columns of observer 1,2 and 3 are filled with X?s it means that the species is seen by many observers.
The birds with the status X,Y and Z are seen only once:
X = 100 % reliable (76 species)
Y = lacking of dates/ difficult to identify/ not 100 % reliable (17 species)
Z = supposed mistakes (7 species)
Please help us to make the list reliable by mentioning the place, for instance CT (or better for instance CT 3, that means Capybara Trail at sign 300 m. ), date and for difficult and new species the characteristics. We appreciate to receive the dates of every new species and of every second or third observation.
To view the birdlist